Quality Spices Directly From Origins
Temproze Business Associates Pvt Ltd
Latest Articles about Spices
Feb 2018
Turmeric Updates
Turmeric Season will start by first half of March. As expected the Tamilnadu crop will be the lowest in last ten years’ time. Nizambad, approximately 15-20% crop is damaged and there will be a shortage of Nizam material. Telengana the cultivated area is around 30% less compared to last year. This will impact in crop. This year the Maharashtra crop is good and the cultivated area has increased as new-gen farmers started farming in new areas. Traders are expecting good demand this year due increase in global demand for medicinal applications. Traders expecting good volumes and turnover this year.
Feb 2018
Red Chilly Market Update
Red Chilly Overall there is a reduction of 10-15% in Chilly growing area. But the carry forward stocks are adequate with traders and exporters. So the overall availability is good. Area under 334 reduced significantly. There are reports of viral infections in 334 and other hybrids. Teja growing area has increased and viral infections reportedly very low compared to 334. Hence the prices may be higher than 2017 expected to be in the range of 75-85 and 90-95 for Teja. Too much upward movement is not anticipated. Peak arrivals will start from second week of March till end of April. IPM (Teja, 341, Indam5 etc) arrival will starts by second half of February, 334 will start by March. Prices of 334 and 273 are likely to go higher due to lower availability of good quality.